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Oskar Blues Outdoor Gear Yard Sale

  • 03/15/2025
  • 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Oskar Blues 342 Mountain Industrial Dr. Brevard, NC


  • 10x20 space
    Proceeds benefit Friends of DuPont Forest and Pisgah Area SORBA
  • 10x10 space
    Proceeds benefit Friends of DuPont Forest and Pisgah Area SORBA


Join us for Oskar Blues Brewery’s first annual Outdoor Gear Yard Sale on Saturday, March 15, 2025. 12pm – 5pm and live music kicking off at 6pm

Make the most of this opportunity to score some cash for your pre-loved and gently used outdoor gear. This is also a great way for outdoor businesses to not only showcase your brand, but to help get rid of any old inventory or items that need to clear out before the Spring/Summer season hits.

Individual Seller Fee is $50 donation per space and will receive a 10’x10’ space. You must provide your own tables/display setup and 10x10 tent (if wanted, not required)

Business Vendor Fee is a $75 donation and will receive a 10’x20’ space. You must provide your own tables/display setup and tents.

Benefiting Friends of DuPont Forest and Pisgah Area SORBA. 

We CARE for the trails, PROTECT the Forest, and INSPIRE love of DuPont State Recreational Forest.

Pisgah Area SORBA is dedicated to preserving mountain biking opportunities by maintaining and improving trail systems in the Pisgah Ranger District and surrounding region.

Friends of DuPont Forest is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. P.O. Box 218  Hendersonville, NC 28793

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